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Adventures Of Shuggy Download For Pc [hack]


Updated: Nov 28, 2020

About This Game Shuggy has just inherited a castle full of goblins, ghouls, zombies, and robots. Help him clear out over 100 rooms to make his new home liveable again! Every room in the castle is different, letting Shuggy fly, float, swing, spin, change size, time travel and more as he explores the Dungeon, Boiler Room, Clocktower, Gallery, and Graveyard.Key FeaturesCo-op play - Play 36 twisted two-player levels in the offline co-op mode, with puzzles that can only be completed through cunning and teamwork.Non-linear map screen - Multiple routes through the castle ensure you'll be able to find another route if you get stuck.Boss encounters - Use your wit and cunning to defeat the dastardly bosses in each area of the castle.Time travel - Get caught in a time loop and co-operate with your past echoes.Rotation - Spin whole levels or interlocking puzzle sections to grab all the gems.Seeing double - Utilize multiple Shuggys under the influence of different gravities.Teleportation - Use Shuggy's teleporter to solve some tricky conundrums. Tied up in knots - Grab the magic rope and swing your way to victory. 6d5b4406ea Title: Adventures of ShuggyGenre: IndieDeveloper:Smudged Cat Games LtdPublisher:Smudged Cat Games LtdRelease Date: 13 Jun, 2012 Adventures Of Shuggy Download For Pc [hack] the adventures of shuggy xbox 360. adventures of shuggy steam. the adventures of shuggy pc download. the adventures of shuggy pc. adventures of shuggy pc download. the adventures of shuggy soundtrack. adventures of shuggy the. adventures of shuggy. adventures of shuggy xbox 360. adventures of shuggy pushover. the adventures of shuggy ost. adventures of shuggy walkthrough. adventures of shuggy coop. adventures of shuggy gameplay. adventures of shuggy download crack. adventures of shuggy review A puzzle\/platformer with a surprising amount of depth to it. There's plenty of challenge here, in the mould of some of the older NES games - albeit not quite as tough - with the most fragile vampire outside of Twilight. Shuggy has a variety of tricks at his disposal to help negotiate through the levels, and these assists change depending on the level. Teleportation, rotating the level itself, ropes, multiple Shuggys and even time travel are options open to you throughout the game.The genius of the game is that it challenges casual players, but is also designed around making life difficult for speedrunners. Many of the hazards seem to clog the optimal quickest route through a level, so if you want to replay levels and go for your best times, you'll appreciate the quality of the level design on display here. Throw in a very fun local co-op mode and a bunch of additional teleportation levels, and you have a game that can certainly keep you occupied.Smudged Cat have made a bit of a gem. Well worth your time if you enjoy reasonably difficult platformers.. I'm going to give Shuggy a slight thumbs down. It's not that it's a bad game, just that it's an average game in a sea of much better games. Shuggy is a platformer with a couple of unique tricks. Unfortunately, it's marred by terrible controls that just feel off\/ slippery. The number of times that I died not because I did something wrong but because the controls failed me added up to a lot of frustration. While the teleporter levels were fun, the timer levels were like pulling teeth. Add in the resolution problems that this game has, and I was already on the fence. The tiebreaker for me though was the fact that every single time you exit this game, you are presented with an ad for one of the developer's other games. If you hit the wrong button, rather than exiting the game you are taken to the website for the game in the ad. I'd just like to point out that a game I paid money for in Steam acts like a game I got on mobile for free :S Not cool. This game is a middle of the road 5\/10.. such a fun game to play! really enjoying it :) and shuggy is so cute ^.^ well worth getting, especially for 39p in the sale!!!. Super meat boyish platformer with some unique mechanics and objectives n\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665Has multiplayer too.Will make you use your brain. 6\/10. I'm not much on platform games, but this puzzle-platformer from Smudged Cat is a surprise. The premise is to solve the puzzle of collecting all the gems in the individual rooms of a castle inherited by Shuggy using the different mechanics built into the game.As someone lacking the dexterity to play the super difficult platform style games of late, I really appreciate the fact that the mechanics are simple to understand and use, but at the same time offer some challenge. The challenge is in thinking through just exactly how to approach each room so you can move on.And the keyboard worked just fine for me.The graphics are cartoon style and very well done ---- clear and bright in every level. The music is really good keeping the mood bright.One of those games that you can get involved with for hours, and not be aware of the time that has gone by. All ages will enjoy this one.. Great game! Not too long and not too hard.You can beat the CO-OP levels by yourself with a little time. (Thats what i did)Granted i used Auto hotkey ONCE to help but yeah still. there were only 2 levels i had a really hard time on.i THINK i saw an ad when i was exiting the game at one point.. I'm going to give Shuggy a slight thumbs down. It's not that it's a bad game, just that it's an average game in a sea of much better games. Shuggy is a platformer with a couple of unique tricks. Unfortunately, it's marred by terrible controls that just feel off\/ slippery. The number of times that I died not because I did something wrong but because the controls failed me added up to a lot of frustration. While the teleporter levels were fun, the timer levels were like pulling teeth. Add in the resolution problems that this game has, and I was already on the fence. The tiebreaker for me though was the fact that every single time you exit this game, you are presented with an ad for one of the developer's other games. If you hit the wrong button, rather than exiting the game you are taken to the website for the game in the ad. I'd just like to point out that a game I paid money for in Steam acts like a game I got on mobile for free :S Not cool. This game is a middle of the road 5\/10.. With Adventures of Shuggy, you get what you pay for. It\u2019s not that long. Individual levels range drastically in difficulty and length, namely on account of the gimmicks. Overall though, nothing about it felt worth the experience to me. Platforming is annoyingly floaty and movement in general feels slippery. Every level has a gimmick, some are ok, like the rope tether, others are just a cause of frustration, like the time loop. Shuggy, the enemies, and the levels all lack charm, or noteworthy personality, despite their cartoonish\/comical style. If you\u2019re looking to collect green cartoon gems, Battleblock Theater is a better fit.. This is a fun and cute little platforming game with great music and lovely backgrounds, and it has some challenging levels and interesting puzzles, the ones where you spin the room around the character are my favorite ones. The co op levels are a lot of fun as well, I played it with my friend on the same keyboard and had a lot of laughs.I recommend this game to anyone that wants to relax with a light hearted game.. A nice teleportation 2D puzzle platformer. A fair bit of levels, with nice, but not amazing graphics style. The game respects your intelligence in later levels well enough, but it's not crazy hard at the end. The co-op being local only really detracts from it, as it's a neat little addition to the game(Although it's really short). TL;DR Pick this up for a good ~5-6 hours of fun(A must-have if it's on sale).


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